"I feel so much taller and lighter." "I can sense my entire foot when I walk." "Wow, when I started I had a huge arch in my lower back, now I am totally flat on the floor!"
"I actually feel more joyful!"
These are real, frequently heard comments following an Awareness Through Movement® class. Class starts by scanning your relationship with gravity—how well are you able to take support from the floor? What parts of yourself are held up, what parts are clear in your mind, what areas difficult to sense? Using the floor like a mirror, you learn about your habitual holding patterns, discover your unique "body signature."
As I guide you through a sequence of exploratory movements, you learn to sense what feels easy for you, and what requires more effort. You begin to make distinctions, training your brain to find the path of ease, without forcing, judging, or skipping over steps to reach your goal. Although everyone in the class does the same lesson, your process, your path, is your own. You begin to make connections and discover that as you learn to coordinate all your parts, you have more freedom. Movements that felt difficult or unfamiliar become easier, more fluid. The way of least resistance—for you—is not like anyone else's. You learn to find that and trust it.
Later, when we scan again, we learn how just how much we're capable of change. Life requires that we move. Inquiry, exploration, curiosity, and attending to the process of moving become powerful tools for better living.
Ongoing classes
Thursdays 5:30-6:45pm
$15/class or $120/10 classes
Please inquire for location details.
Click here for brochure.